about us

Studioazue is a consulting and design firm established in 2011 by a group of development practitioners in the fields of architecture, urban planning and environmental engineering.

Our sectors of expertise are urban planning, environmental infrastructure design, solid waste management, and architectural and open space design.

The main challenge of our practice is to convert needs into opportunities in a socially equitable, economically sustainable, and environmentally balanced manner.

The guiding principles of our work are:

  • social inclusion: promoting inclusive development by improving the ability, opportunity and dignity of those vulnerable and disadvantaged
  • participation: sustaining people’s engagement in and responsibility for the common good and the management of places
  • efficient use of resources: creating more with less and delivering greater value with less input toward a circular economy and waste minimisation
  • environmental protection: reducing adverse impacts of human activities and urban growth by valorising marginal spaces and waste streams
  • communication: awareness and communication campaign, feedback mechanisms from users to institutions for waste management and urban planning and participation.

Read more about our team

studioazue company profile (2017)