/baalbek biogas facility/ Lebanon 2011-2014

BBF is a pilot project commissioned by COSV NGO,  part of the EU ENPI-Med program aiming at spreading clean and innovative environmental technologies in Middle East region.

The facility has been designed to process around 8000 ton/year of municipal bio-waste and produce electricity and heat. The produced electrical power is used to run the Baabek Solid Waste Management Compound which includes, beside the Biogas Facility, a Sorting and Composting Facility and a Sanitary Landfill, thus allowing the compound to be completely self-sufficient in terms of energy production/consumption.


Anaerobic digestion of organic waste reduces sensitively greenhouse gas emission in atmosphere since methane is used as a clean renewable energy source and the digestate will be composted enhancing the quality of the final fertilizer. The facility hangar looks like a technological concrete stomach, designed to be visible for didactic purposes and to ensure comfort to users thanks to natural lighting, thermal insulation and a cool roof.

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download Feasibility Study

download Annex11-B002


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