/duhok city center detailed masterplan/iraq 2013-14
Duhok City Center Detailed Masterplan prepared by Ars Progetti spa. studioazue collaborated to the Masterplan design, focusing on the analysis of the urban pattern and the participative identification of planning actions to regenerate the city center.
The Duhok City Center Detailed Masterplan is meant to be a regulatory instrument, providing detailed prescriptions for the urban fabric and the movement framework. In collaboration with the Local Authority commissioning the project, has been formed a Technical Committee of professionals of the sector.
The vision, agreed with a Technical Committee, consisted on the strengthening of the city center as a vital core of the city supporting a mix of uses.
The City Center has been developed as commercial and professional hub by increasing the density and enhancing the specific vocation of each area and pushing a mix of uses. The residential function has been maintained in the center to avoid gentrification by promoting the use of flexible typologies where both residential and commercial uses can take place.
Informal and low income traditional neighbourhoods in the City Center has been respected and actions to enhance their urban fabric and services provision have been proposed.
The public realm has been considered a main asset to be enhanced by creating a network of green areas at neighborhood level and emphasizing the role of the central green area along the river basin as a green lung for the entire city center and as a cultural living heritage.
The existing vernacular heritage of the city center has been protected by listing and classifying traditional housing typologies as the courtyard houses in the Jewish quarter and addressing the development of a traditional quarter functioning as tourist hub.
High development will be restrained to preserve the landscape asset.
The design of an integrated public transport system and an network of roads, pedestrian areas and parking facilities has been considered fundamental to discourage the use of private vehicles to enter the city center and promote the idea of a smart city made for people and not for cars.